Unique Touches to Make Your Hotel Stand Out

When staying in hotels, many will encounter establishments with bland décor that lacks a sense of warmth and personality. While this can be a way of aiming your hotel to a wider market regardless of a guest’s personal tastes, it’s also something that may prevent your property from standing out as somewhere truly special to stay. A hotel’s most effective way of marketing will usually be word of mouth from previous guests, so ensuring you remain positive in the minds of everyone who stays is essential. Here are some tips for adding unique touches to your hotel to help you stand out from the crowd.


White walls can add elegant modernity to a room, providing a blank canvas that will appeal to just about anyone. However, they’re also rather bland and boring. Experimenting with colour in your hotel’s public spaces and in the bedrooms can bring a fashionable sense of style to the establishment that’s sure to stand out to any guests. Consider playing around with bright and vibrant colours, avoiding the bland and dull tones often used by the large chains. Create a welcoming and friendly space for your guests to enjoy, with bold use of colour being a great way of achieving this.

Posters and Frames

Posters and other forms of imagery are popular tools in the belt of many hoteliers around the world. Many hotel rooms will feature a picture on the wall of some kind. You can be unique here, however, selecting professional posters of fascinating works of art, emphasised with frames that add to the image as well as the room without being too distracting. Posters can be purchased from Gallerix along with a wide range of high-quality frames to display them in. Posters from Gallerix come in a wide variety of styles, ranging from art pieces to maps of the world, with something perfect for any situation in your hotel. By giving your guests something unique to look at with a Gallerix poster framed on the wall, you’re sure to leave a lasting impression that keeps your customers coming back in the future.

Additional Extras

Many hotels will be pretty basic with what they offer, which will often be a bed for the night and sometimes breakfast in the morning will also be included. This is your opportunity to do something unique to your business that will help you to stand out. Perhaps your hotel could add additional benefits for guests, such as free laundry cleaning if you’re aiming for a high-end kind of service. You could even opt to provide excursions for your guests, partnering with other local businesses to offer discounts or freebies on activities to do in the immediate area. These are things that can all be factored into the room cost each night, and the good impression they’ll give to your guest will ensure they keep coming back and tell all of their friends too. Being more than just a place to stay for the night can help your hotel to reach new levels of success.

These suggestions are all things that are beginning to see a decline in the industry, with no-frills being seen as the latest craze. Consumers love it when they get something extra they weren’t expecting, so add unique touches that will be sure to impress and maximise your chances of getting repeat bookings.

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